Join Helix’s inaugural Youth Advisory Team!

The Helix Foundation has big news! We are assembling a Youth Advisory Team for our Foundation for 2025. The goal of this Youth Advisory Team is to guide Helix as it fulfills its mission of supporting young people in periods of change, including leaving the government care system, during and after interactions with the justice system, and at other crossroads. All chosen participants will receive a monetary honorarium, along with gaining experience in advocacy and leadership, and having opportunities to learn about community engagement.

The commitment involves: 3-4 virtual meetings; reading and providing feedback on 10-12 applications for grants; and providing oral and (if desired) written input. The program runs from May 1, 2025-Dec. 31, 2025. There is a possibility for term renewals for 2026.

  • Young people between the ages of 16-25 are welcome to apply
  • Priority will go to young people from underrepresented & underserved communities (an underserved community is a group of people who have limited access to resources and opportunities. This can be due to factors like poverty, race, language, or disability).
  • To apply, please send us an email to with the following information:
    • Your name, age, email address and city or town
    • Why you want to be part of this opportunity
    • How do you represent or identify with underserved communities?
  • For more information, or any questions, please email:


  • Deadline for applications is April 15, 2025. 
  • Applicants selected for an interview will be informed by April 22, 2025. 
  • Successful applicants will be notified by May 1, 2025.